The Dancing Lights Ballet School program is designed to enhance your child’s creativity in a non-competitive environment. Using Fairy-Tale themes, children are inspired to dance, sing, and act theatrically; providing a strong individual emphasis on a child’s self-esteem. This Student Handbook was created to assist you with any support in regards to our program.
If you have any further questions, please contact us. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this material.
Select an option:
General Information | New Students | Registration | Tuition | Payment Methods | Fees and Late Payments | Discounts | Tuition Due Dates | Withdrawal | Attendance | Dress Code | Lobby/Waiting Area | Siblings | Cell Phones | Drop-Off & Pick-Up | Photos & Videos | Spring Recital | Performances & Events | Volunteers | Snacks & Treats | Medical Emergency | Visitation | Release of Liability & Code of Conduct | Communication
General Information
Always walk your dancer up to the dance school. Please stay with your child and properly supervise her until the teacher has arrived. Arrive 5 minutes prior to start of class for any last minute preparations, such as helping your child put their ballet shoes on. Your teacher will accompany your child into the dance studio for class. Please do not enter the dance studio or peek through windows or doors while class is in session. This causes distractions and dancers lose focus.
Please try to keep questions brief at drop-off and pick-up times. We are more than happy to answer any questions and to help in any way possible. However, there is very little time between classes and we do not want to cut into class time unnecessarily.
Newsletters will be sent via email and available through our website. When needed, we will spend the beginning of class time going over upcoming events and answering questions.
New Students
Parents are required to walk all dancers into the dance school. The waiting area is designed for you to assist your dancer in preparing for class. Dancers should be supervised at all times in the waiting area. Upon arrival, please assist your child with putting on their ballet shoes. Teachers will accompany all dancers into the studio. Please do not leave until the teacher arrives. Always say good-bye to your child and remind them you will see them after class.
The first couple of weeks are typically the hardest on our new or young dancers. We understand the impact of separation anxiety and we are more than willing to work with you and your child to help alleviate this. We will allow you to stay in the studio for the first two weeks, if needed. We ask that you gradually leave your child when you are both comfortable. Please know that there may be some tears but they do not last long after you are gone. Also remember that there are no siblings allowed in the studio at any time during dance classes. If you need to stay with your child during class, you are required to stay close to and assist your dancer through the class routines.
We are aware that children go through stages of development that can make adjusting to new situations difficult. For some children the adjustment period may be lengthy but please be assured that our staff will work with you to find the best solution for you and your child. We have a very high success rate with helping new students acclimate to the studio environment. We want every child and parent to feel comfortable in class, no matter how long the process.
Ready to Enroll: Login | New to The Dancing Lights: Create an Account
**Please contact us if you need class placement assistance.
Jack Rabbit is a 3rd party vendor providing secure class registration and credit card payment services. All students are required to obtain an account through this vendor. You will be required to create a profile and the email address you provide will be used for means of communication, including our monthly Newsletter.
Upon online registration, you will receive a confirmation email. This is an automated email and does not confirm correct placement. You will receive an email directly from the school confirming your placement once your age and years of experience have been reviewed.
Once you’ve received the confirmation email, the first month tuition and registration fee is due. You are required during the registration process to agree to give The Dancing Lights Ballet School permission to charge the card on file when in arrears after the 5th of each month.
Registration Fee
There is a yearly one time non-refundable Registration Fee of $25.00 per family.
Note: If you paid a registration fee during the Summer Camp enrollment, it also covers the registration fee for the following school year.
Tution Calculation
- The school year tuition is averaged into 9 monthly payments. Tuition is paid a month in advance. These payments are based on 35 weeks of class instruction, a week of stage rehearsals, a weekend of recital performances and Costumes for performances
- Due to the number of holidays in each month, the number of classes may vary per month. For example, December may have three classes while March may have five classes.
- The first and last month’s tuition is due upon registration. Since class begins mid September and ends mid June, it equals to a months payment.
- The tuition calculation is based on the amount of time a student is dancing per week, not the number of classes they are attending.
- Advanced II, IV, V Students: Due to account not being automatically billed, you must calculate your hours to determine the correct first payment.
- In August, your account will reflect our 9 month session, less your first payment and registration fee. Discounted rates for families enrolling more than one student will be applied to your account.
Payment Methods
Every DLBS family must have a credit card or bank debit card on file with us. However, current acceptable forms of payment are:
Jack Rabbit
- Existing Student: Login | New Student: Create an Account
- 3rd party vendor providing secure registration and credit card payment service.
- Credit Cards Accepted | Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debit Cards
Auto Pay
- Complete the Automatic Tuition Payment form online and your account will be automatically deducted on the 5th of each month.
- Must be paid to the school’s Director ONLY.
- Make Checks Payable To: The Dancing Lights Ballet School
- NSF Fee: $25.00 any returned checks.
- Please allow time for payment to post on account.
- Drop Box in the lobby at the main campus.
- Mail to:
The Dancing Lights Ballet School
PO Box 63,
Odessa, DE 19730
Additional Fees and Late Payments
- Monthly Payments Due By: 5th of Every Month
- Payments Received After the 5th: $15.00 Late Fee will be charged on the 6th of each month
- Payments Received After the 30th: Additional $10.00 Late Fee
- Returned Checks or Declined Credit Card: $25.00 NSF Fee
- Past Due 60+ Days: Dancers will be withheld from all classes until account is current
- Upon class enrollment, if payment is not received by the due date, the account will be accessed a late fee as described above.
- Note: Please communicate with the Director to discuss any financial hardship that may affect payments being made in a timely manner.
- One-Time Yearly Payment: 5% Discount when the full 9-month tuition is paid by Cash or Check ONLY
- Registering 3+ hours: Receive a discount on hourly rate. See Tuition for exact rate amount.
- Additional Family Member Registration:
= Regular Tuition
= $10.00 Off Total Balance
+ = $20.00 Off (Max) Total Balance
- We manually adjust your account to reflect discounts applicable. Our staff will contact you with the exact amount due prior to processing your payment.
Payment Due Dates
- The Dancing Lights school year tuition is averaged into 9 monthly payments. Tuition is paid a month in advance. These payments are based on the following:
- 35 weeks of class instruction
- A week of stage rehearsals
- A weekend of recital performances
- and much more…
Upon class enrollment, a $25.00 registration fee and the first and last month’s tuition is due upon registration. Since class begins mid September and ends mid June, it equals to a months payment.
Note: If you paid the registration fee during the Summer Camp enrollment, it also covers the registration fee for the upcoming school year.
Due Date | Class Dates | Payment Description |
August 5 | Mid-September – September 30th | Tuition | $25 Registration Fee |
September 5 | October 1st – October 31st | Tuition |
October 5 | November 1st – November 30 | Tuition |
November 5 | December 1st – December 31st | Tuition | Costume Fee (Spring Recital $90) |
December 5 | January 1st – January 31st | Tuition |
January 5 | February 1st – February 28/29th | Tuition |
February 5 | March 1st – March 31st | Tuition |
March 5 | April 1sts – April 30th | Tuition |
April 5 | May 1st – May 31st | Tuition | Costume II Fee (if applicable) – Approximately $35 (Excluding Advanced Dancers) |
May 5 | June 1st – Last Day of School | Tuition |
If a student needs to withdraw from our dance program prematurely, please complete and submit a Withdrawal Form to our main campus 2 weeks prior to the intended withdrawal date terminating further tuition obligations for the season. Should you need to withdraw prior to the first day of class, all payments made to our school will be refunded minus the Registration Fee.
Withdrawals made after the first day of class will require a 2 week notice from the submission date of the withdrawal form to stop further charges. The Primary Contact listed during registration is responsible for tuition payments and late fees until the Withdrawal Form is submitted to The Dancing Lights Ballet School, regardless of attendance.
We understand that children sometimes change their minds. If you would like help in talking with your child to find out why, we are on your team and we’re happy to assist you in encouraging them to stay. If your student wants to withdraw from class, the school requires a written notice using our Withdrawal Form. All withdrawals will be effective 30 days from the date received. For your protection and to be certain that your account is properly closed, withdrawal cannot be accepted over the phone, by e-mail or through a teacher. No withdrawals will be accepted for the months of December or June. Any withdrawals dated after November 1, 2015 will be effective Jan 1, 2016. No withdrawals dated after May 1, 2016 will be accepted.
- Registration Fee
- Registration and tuition for the month withdrawing.
- Costume fees non-refundable after November 1st.
If a student misses a class due to illness, vacation or any other reason, arrangements can be made to attend another regularly scheduled class to make up the missed class (if one is available). No credits or refunds will be given for missed classes and special make-up classes will be scheduled only if a class session is cancelled by the school, instructor or 2+ days due to inclement weather.
Please be aware that make-up classes are restricted. Again these make-ups may be done ONLY with instructor permission and by appointment. This is also with the understanding that your child may not be able to participate in the entire make-up class. She will be able to participate in barre work, warm-ups, and across the floor routines. However, when the class is working on their recital routine, she will be asked to be the audience during this time. It is very disruptive to have a dancer who is unfamiliar with a routine in class. This also allows us to build consistency with all of our dancers.
Any dancer who misses more than two consecutive classes or more than 4 classes total after March 1st will not be permitted to dance in the year-end recital. Again this is due to the need for consistency and out of fairness to the other dancers in the class.
The instructor reserves the right to disallow make-ups in order to preserve the integrity of the class and prevent unnecessary disruptions. Make-ups will not be constructive after a certain point in the year and will not be permitted after March 1st.
If the suspension or absence of classes is for a medical reason, The Dancing Lights Ballet School requires a written medical explanation from a treating physician, and upon return may require a release to resume.
Dress Code
All dancers must have their names printed in all their personal belongings, including their dance bag(s).
- Premi-Ballerinas: Pink Leather Ballet Slippers
- Pre-Ballet Combo Classes: Pink Leather Ballet Slippers | Black Plain Leather Tap Shoes (“Mary Jane” style).
- Divisions 1-3: Pink Leather Split Sole Ballet Shoes | Black Tap Shoes (“Bootie” style) | Tan Jazz Shoes (“Bootie” Style)
- Division 4 – Advanced: Pink Leather Split Sole Ballet Shoes. | Black Tap Shoes (“Bootie” style)| Tan Jazz Shoes (“Bootie” Style) | Nude lyrical half sole shoes
Tap Shoe Requirements | Only Tap shoes made from pure Aluminum or Steel may be worn in our dance school. This policy will be strictly enforced for all dancers. Tap shoes made by Leo’s or Capezio Tele Tone is the required brand due to the quality and flexibility to help promote better foot health. If a student currently owns properly fitting black tap shoes that lace-up, they may use it. Once they grow out of their existing shoes, they must purchase the required brand and style listed above.
Note: Please be sure to tighten, and double knot, all ballerinas’ ballet shoes. While bows can be cute, shoes that become loose during class can create a safety hazard. Please cut off excess string, and apply a drop of glue to the knot. Dance shoes and our professional dance floor can get damaged if dance shoes are worn outside.
- Premi-Ballerina & Pre- Ballet Combo Classes: pink, blue, black or white leotard with pink tights. Skirts, tutus, or leg warmers are optional.
- Division 1 and above: Black Leotards, pink tights for ballet, pink or tan tights for all other styles | Black Dance Shorts are acceptable.
Note: Students may wear black skirts, black shorts and black jazz pants during appropriate class time.
- Premi-Ballerina and Pre-Ballet Combo Classes: Pulled back in a ponytail or bun off shoulders and face.
- Division 1 and above: Bun for Ballet, pulled back in a ponytail off of face for all other classes
Note: Girls with hair too short to be tied back should have their hair pinned back out of their faces.
- Medical ID’s and newly pierced ears are permitted
- No other jewelry is allowed due to safety reasons.
Recommended Dance Stores:
The Dance Station:
- (443) 674-8075
- 48 Flint Dr., Suite 101, North East, MD 21901
We are excited to share the large waiting room in our dance school. During observation weeks, parents may stay in the lobby during class. Only quiet activities will be allowed in the waiting area. This space is to be used by dancers prior or during dance class. Dancers will go to the waiting area to change out their shoes if needed. Please refrain from peeking through the windows and doors. This has caused distractions to our dancers in the past and it’s imperative we have their attention the entire time.
Our dance studio is designed for our dancers to enjoy their special time at Dancing Lights. Supervised siblings are permitted in the waiting area during drop-offs and pick-ups. However, siblings are not permitted in the dance studio. Please be sure to make arrangements for children that are not registered students if you will be attending any in class performance. This will allow your ballerina to better enjoy their time in, “the spotlight.” While classes are in session, please do not allow siblings to become a distraction, in the waiting area. Only quiet play will be permitted in the waiting area.
Cell Phones for Dancers
All cell phone use (social media, texting, phone calls) in the studio and lobby beyond parental contact is prohibited. Class content may be posted ONLY with the instructor’s permission. Individual selfie’s and group photos are also prohibited without the instructor’s consent. The Dancing Lights Ballet School wishes to preserve the integrity of a dance education.
Drop-Off | Pick-Up
Always walk your dancer into the dance school. Please stay with your child and properly supervise her until the teacher has arrived. Arrive 5 minutes prior to start of class for any last minute preparations, such as helping your child put their ballet shoes on.
Children will not be allowed to leave class without a parent present. If someone else is picking up your child, please let us know in advance and provide the following information (Name, Contact #, Relationship). Please be sure your child is aware of these arrangements as well. The safety of your child is our priority.
Photos and Videos
I understand that Dancing Lights Ballet School may from time to time take photographs and/or video of the dancers during class and performances. Unless requested otherwise by the parent or guardian, you authorize to use such photographs and/or video for school use, social media and class pictures. We may also present photos to our dancers. We like to take videos of our classes and/or performances so the girls can have a chance to see themselves dance.
Upon registration, you will be required to agree to the Photo and Video Release Waiver.
Spring Recital
- Participation is optional and non-competitive
- Submit participation notice by November 5th
- Costume I Fee: Due By: November 5th
- Costume II Fee: Due By: April 5th | Costume II does not apply for Advanced Dancers
- Costume Fees are announced early in the school year
- Includes one Stage Rehearsal and one Dress Rehearsal
Performances and Events
We have several performances scheduled throughout the year (Winter Nutcracker Performance, Winter Royal Princess Ball, Spring Recital, and Summer Camp Performances). Please understand that these performances are optional and are not mandatory. No child will be forced to perform or be excluded from class if she chooses not to perform. If your child is uncomfortable performing in front of an audience, please let us know and we will make arrangements to their needs. Our classes is a celebration of dance and what it means to be a girl. For some girls, dance class itself is where they are most comfortable performing – and that is perfectly fine.
We will order costumes for our spring recital. We measure the girls in December and add 1″ to their sizes to allow for growth. Sometimes the costumes come in either too big or too small. In most cases, we do have the ability to exchange for a different size. The parent will be responsible for paying the exchange fee (each company has a different fee). Most costumes will need some minor adjustments as they are not custom made for our children. If you don’t sew, please have a friend or grandmom on standby to help.
We always need volunteers for all the different festivities throughout the year. Tasks may include but not limited to donating baked goods, help organize the events, crafting for the various holidays and to help keep the children focused. Sign-up sheets will be available prior to each event. We do ask that our parents take turns helping out so that everyone gets a chance to contribute.
Snacks and Treats
Food is not permitted in the waiting area or dance studio, except on special occasions. We ask that no snacks be brought into the school. Dancers are permitted to bring in a re-sealable water bottle only. Please label container with your dancer’s name. Occasionally, we will hand out lollipops or candy at the end of class as a treat for our dancers. They can enjoy their treats once they’ve left school grounds.
Dancers may bring treats to share in celebration of a birthday or special event as well. Please inform our staff ahead of time if you are planning to bring in any treats. Again, these treats will be handed out at the end of class for the girls to take home. They will not be allowed to eat in our school.
We have a number of students with food allergies in our dance school. Please keep this in mind when bringing special treats. We make every effort to keep The Dancing Lights Ballet School safe for all of our students. We do have several children with food allergies. In our small, close-knit environment; they could be put in danger. If you decided to bring any food in for a celebration, please notify your teacher before doing so. We suggest always speaking with the parent of the child with food allergies before bringing anything into the dance room. If your child has any health concerns or conditions; please take time to discuss your child’s limitations prior to the start of class. Please do not bring your child to class if she is ill.
Medical Emergency
The undersigned gives permission to The Dancing Lights Ballet School, its owners and operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event we are not able to reach a parent or guardian. You hereby declare any physical/mental problems, restrictions, or condition and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health. You can request that your doctor/physician be called and that your child be transported to the nearest hospital.
We love for parents to be able to see their dancer’s progress and growth. Please take the time to ask your dancer about her dance experience. We hold our special events as an opportunity to show off our dancers skills. Please feel free to bring your camera (still and/or video) for these special days.
Parents may also visit dance class without siblings by appointment only. You are also welcome to bring other family members as well. Parents are invited to videotape any routine that their child is struggling with to facilitate practice at home with the Instructor’s permission.
Release of Liability and Code of Conduct
As the legal parent or guardian, you release and hold harmless The Dancing Lights Ballet School, its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of The Dancing Lights Ballet School, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.
Parent code of conduct on premises or any premises under management of The Dancing Lights staff requires a consistent message of the proper role of a parent in support of the environment, classroom, waiting room. Parents or guardians will be a positive role model for their child by encouraging respect and courtesy in demonstrating positive support for all students, teachers and parents. In showing respect and curtesy to all, I will privately discuss any discord.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
(302) 378-7003
17 Wood St., Suite 33 and 35, Middletown, DE 19709