COVID-19 Update | Our Plan
It is our plan to reopen the studio to classes on Saturday, May 16th or sooner. Appoquinimink School District will determine if our recital week will remain 6/8-*6/13 (*recital day). Our 2020 recital will prevail! It will be dependent on how quickly our community heals. We will keep you updated. We are planning a recital with limited costume costs, possibly sharing and reusing old costumes.
What’s Happening Now | Zoom
We are returning to our FULL schedule this week and will send you Zoom login and password information that will remain constant week to week. Your class times will begin and end as usual. The only exceptions will be Miss Angela’s classes and Miss Heather’s TLK classes. These classes will be held on Sundays.
Our Appreciation | Staff & Families
We have all been anxious about the virus, our families, our friends, and our livelihood. In spite of the unchartered territory, the DLBS staff has worked together in ways Ms. Kristin could only dream women could do. Your families are vital to us; you believe in us, you believe in each other and those relationships have created pure joy this week, in many ways for ALL! Our deepest gratitude!
10 Greatest Moments
- Parents and dancers rolling with it while we rallied to best educate through zoom.
- Watching co-pilots (parents) assist their dancers during this process.
- Providing cardboard tap places, ballet bars, and creating space to witness your dancer’s devotion.
- Realizing the teachers are creating fairy tale energy without the fairies in the room. Magical!
- Watching our littlest bring their teddy bears and create their own class / pickle pot dancing around them.
- Watching our Advanced ballerinas have independent and intrinsic work ethic. No mirrors or peer pressure, all self driven!
- Miss Ashley’s team / stage make-up class.
- Teacher assistants and supportive families.
- Adding conditioning and flexibility class in place of Acro to strengthen us all.
- God giving us this opportunity to rise up as a family, trust each other, and believe we will prevail.