For more than 20 years The Dancing Lights has presented an exciting performance experience for students in their annual Spring Recital. It’s the staple of the dance school that everyone looks forward to. The recital gives our dancers a chance to shine in front of family and friends as they anticipate with nervous excitement. This program offers our students a professionally directed performance allowing them to present the results of a year’s hard work, dedication and progress.
It is with great pleasure that we present our 2018 Spring Recital, (yet to be named). We have finalized our song choices and your dancers have been working very hard to learn their new choreography. Please take the time to read through it thoroughly and place any pertinent dates on your calendars! Attendance is so important this time of year. We will be working hard to finish dances by mid April. When our dances are complete, we will be excited to invite parents in to video our progress.
Please click through the tabs to find the details and schedules that make this recital come into action. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Class attendance this time of year as we prepare for recital is very important. We will be working hard to finish dances by mid-April. When our dances are complete, parents will be invited to the studio to video our progress. Class attendance from April through to the recital in June is just as important as dancers continue to sharpen their technique and dance details for recital performances. Please refer to the 2019 Code of Conduct, paragraph #2 regarding Attendance for DLBS Studio guidelines regarding missing class in this time leading up to recital.
If you have not yet paid the $90 costume fee and wish for your child to perform in the recital, please notify Ms. Kristin immediately. Otherwise, if the $90 costume fee has not been received we will assume your child is not participating in the recital. All classes, with the exception of Premi-Ballerina and Daycare classes, will have at least 2 costumes. You will be notified soon of the additional costume fees, which are due in April.
Your children always come first with the Dancing Lights team and this event is for your dancer’s enjoyment. If your child requires assistance during Rehearsal Week and/or Recital day because of a disability, please speak with Ms. Kristin. We will work with you and your child to make sure your child’s needs are met.
General Information
Studio Classes During Rehearsal Week
- No classes or daycare will be held at the Studio during Rehearsal Week.
- Instead, your dancer will attend a Stage Rehearsal at MHS.
- Stage Rehearsal times are between 4-9:30 p.m. and will not be held at the exact time of your child’s studio class.
- Stage Rehearsals take the place of class during recital week and are paid for with your June tuition.
Location & Times
- All Stage Rehearsals take place at Middletown High School.
- Everyone is to report directly to the auditorium upon arrival.
- Stage Rehearsals run from 4:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. on all three dates above.
- Refer to the Stage Rehearsal Schedule that pertains to your child’s class to find your child’s exact Stage Rehearsal time(s) [Your child’s class will only need to attend one Stage Rehearsal].
- Please plan to arrive in time so that your child is ready to perform at their designated Rehearsal Begin Time.
Dancer Information
Dancers will sit in the auditorium with their class until called on stage.
- If your child requires assistance because of a disability, you may sit with your child’s class.
- Stage rehearsal is like a class.
- Dancers should wear their normal dance clothes and bring their dance bags with all needed shoes.
Adult Supervision & Details
Every dancer must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.
- The parent or responsible adult must remain in the building 3.
- No child can be left at rehearsal without a responsible adult.
- Exception – Dancers who drive themselves to rehearsals are not required to have an adult on site.
If you elect to leave one dance parent responsible for dancers from multiple families (one dance parent has agreed to chaperone children in addition to their own child at Stage Rehearsal) please notify Ms. Kristin.
- For safety reasons, we need to know if a child is reporting to someone other than their own parent.
Accompanying adults are welcome to sit in the auditorium in any section that is not reserved for the dance classes.
- Feel free to videotape stage rehearsals for your child to review. These videos will allow your dancers the opportunity to see themselves dance and to practice any areas they feel need more practice.
- If your child requires assistance because of a disability, you may sit with your child’s class.
It is preferred that siblings not attend Stage Rehearsals as they can be a distraction to our stage classes.
- If siblings must join the accompanying parent, parents are requested to stay with the siblings at all times, and keep them occupied and quiet in the auditorium during the rehearsal.
Please be on time. We are on a very strict timetable!
Stage Rehearsal Schedules
- There are no classes at Peachtree Station or Daycares during rehearsal week.
- Stage rehearsals take the place of classes held at Dancing Lights.
- Dancers should dress in their usual class attire for Stage Rehearsals.
- Please be present for your child’s scheduled time listed in the charts below.
- Classes MUST begin and end on time. We cannot wait for late arrivals.
- We have the auditorium until 9:30pm on all 5 evenings (for both Stage and Dress Rehearsals).
Location: Middletown High School
Each class has an assigned date and time. There are three tables below, one for each day of stage rehearsals. To find your dancer’s Stage Rehearsal time:
- Locate dancer’s regular weekly class in the left column in one of the tables below.
- In the columns to the right of their class are the Stage Rehearsal start and end times for their class.
Advanced III, VII, and VIII
Regular Weekly Class | Rehearsal Time |
Advanced I, Monday 7:30 (Tap II), Wednesday 4:30 (Pre-Ballet A 2nd Yr), Wednesday 7:00 (Lyrical II), Thursday 10:30am (Pre-Ballet A 2nd Yr), Friday 9:30am Premi-Ballerina, Friday 6:00 (Premi-Ballerina), Saturday 8:15am (Pre-Ballet A 1st Yr), Green Acres and TLK daycare classes.
Regular Class | Rehearsal Time |
Regular Class | Rehearsal Time |
Recital Portraits by Bassetti Photo
Children need to be in FULL costume, hair and makeup (costume details, hair and makeup requirements will be discussed in May).
Your child’s scheduled photo time and class costume order is below. Pictures for most classes are done on one day if possible; the only exception is Advanced IV. The group pictures are mandatory. All pictures, group and individual, are optional to purchase.
Your child’s picture will be taken on a different night than their Stage and Dress Rehearsals.
- Monday – Stage Rehearsal
- Wednesday – Pictures
- Thursday – Dress Rehearsal
How to Order Pictures
- Picture packets available at Dancing Lights in late May.
- Picture packets will also be available at Stage Rehearsals.
- Please take a picture packet and fill in the requested information at home.
- Please have your packet and check ready for picture night.
- You will also be provided a link to Bassetti Photos and will be able to fill out your picture selections and pay in advance online.
- You CANNOT have an individual photo taken without the packet and payment up front. In most cases, you only need to fill out one packet per family.
You will be called for your group photos by our photo coordinator. If you would like your child to have individual pictures taken, they may do so before their group photo or after, depending on what time allows. If you have more than one child dancing and would like to have them in the same individual photo, you may do so. Please remember that individual photos are optional and group photos are mandatory.
If you are not interested in purchasing the group photo, please still allow your daughter to be in the photo for the benefit of the class. No personal cameras or phones are permitted to take photos on the photographer’s backdrop.
If your dancer will be changing costumes for photos, one female adult may accompany them in the changing room. No men or children other than our dancers are permitted in the changing room area.
Picture Schedule
Location: Middletown High School Gym
Class | Picture Time |
*No Dance Team or Contemporary Ensemble Pictures*
Class | Picture Time |
Dress Rehearsal Schedule
Thursday, Date TBA for Early Show
Friday, Date TBA for Late Show
General Information
- Attendance at Dress Rehearsal is Mandatory for Participation in the Recital
- Those dancing in both shows need to attend both Dress Rehearsals
- Dress rehearsal arrival time on both days is 4:00 pm for everyone
- All dancers must arrive dressed in full costume
- Your instructor will let you know which costume to wear for arrival
- “Full costume” includes:
- The costume itself
- Tights – Dancers are to wear the correct color tights for each costume at both dress rehearsal and in shows. Be sure to have extra tights for each color tights your child has been assigned to each costume so your child is prepared for dress rehearsal and one or two shows (depending on whether they are in one or two shows)
- All other costume accessories
- Full makeup – Dancers need to be in full makeup for dress rehearsal so we can confirm the makeup for each class will be uniform for the show(s).
- Hair done in the style that’s worn with the costume assigned
- Makeup, costumes, and hair directions will be discussed in detail in May upon costume delivery
- Dress rehearsals begin with the Recital Finale practice
- This provides us the opportunity to excuse dancers after their production numbers
Our Youngest Dancers
For all daycare classes, Premi-Ballerina and Pre-Ballet A classes.
- Moms (or responsible female adult) bring their children to the gym upon arrival
- Moms stay with their child in the gym until it’s time for their child’s first dance
- Moms stay side stage while their child is on stage. (This is where you will view your child’s dance during the recital. At stage and dress rehearsals, you will view them from the audience.)
- After the first dance, children go back to the audience and sit with moms in the audience
- If your child has a second dance, Moms bring their child to the side stage at the time indicated (you will receive further instruction on this during dress rehearsal)
- Moms of this age student will need to purchase a ticket for themselves for recital day
- No men are permitted backstage
- No siblings are permitted backstage
- A female parent or female responsible adult must accompany dancers to Dress Rehearsal
- Dads are welcome to Stage Rehearsal because there are no costume changes
- If you have more than one child participating on the same Dress Rehearsal day, only one female adult may accompany all children from the same family to the same Dress Rehearsal
- Dress Rehearsals are closed to the public
- No other children are permitted at Dress Rehearsals
- If you elect to have one parent be responsible for dancers from multiple families (one dance parent has agreed to chaperone children that their own child at Dress Rehearsal) please notify Ms. Kristin.
- For safety reasons, we need to know if someone other than the child’s parent is responsible for each child
- We need to be able to reach you immediately in case of an emergency
- Backstage moms will have a class contact list with your cell phone information
- It is your responsibility to make sure we have your most recent contact information
- Backstage Moms will be responsible for their assigned class during Dress Rehearsals, and Shows.
IMPORTANT NOTICE – If your child has a disability, medical, or behavioral issue, MOM OR A RESPONSIBLE FEMALE ADULT ARE REQUIRED to be with your child at all times (Stage Rehearsals, Dress Rehearsals, during Shows, Intermission).
Backstage Guests
No men or siblings are allowed backstage during Dress Rehearsals or Recital day (including before shows, during show times, intermissions, and after both shows). We appreciate our dads and all of the men in our lives greatly and do not mean to exclude them from this exciting time. However, we are very conservative in areas where young ladies will be making costume changes and possibly have wardrobe malfunctions. We appreciate your cooperation with this request.
Venue Emergencies
Keeping everyone’s safety in mind:
- All of our teachers, dancers, and backstage volunteers will be shown the best exit routes at MHS in case of an emergency
- If an emergency were to occur, parents are not to try to go backstage and find their child
- Every person should exit the building using the emergency exit closest to them
- Everyone backstage will use the emergency exits closest to them
- Children will be assisted by class moms and teachers who are backstage with them at all times
- In the event of an emergency, families will reunite outside of the venue, at a meeting place which will be announced at Dress Rehearsal
- Following these procedures will provide the safest exit possible from the building in the event of an emergency
First Aid & Allergies
If you have submitted an allergic reaction plan for your child, that plan will be part of the packet that is distributed to backstage moms and all other backstage staff and this plan will be followed if needed during a show:
- We will make every effort to find you in the audience as well
- All children with Epi-pens are required to have them in their dance bag during a show
- Dance bag is to be labeled with the child’s FULL NAME
- We will review with each child carrying an epi-pen the best place to keep their bag in case the pen is needed
- Backstage mothers will also be made aware of the whereabouts of each child’s epi-pen
- DLBS will provide a First Aid and Dancer Needs Table in an area that will be made available to all dancers and backstage volunteers. This station will provide:
- Ice packs
- Bandaids
- Water bottles
- Safety pins
- Bobby pins
- Sewing kit
- Glue gun
- Extra tights for purchase (If needed, tights will be charged to your account. No money exchange will be available at the First Aid/Dancer Needs Table)
We wish you and your entire family a wonderful experience. Please understand all of our rules are to provide a safe, controlled atmosphere for your children. Over the past 20+ years, these rules have ensured the privacy and safety of our dancers.
Saturday, June 18th, 2022 (Tentative)
Early Show 10:00, Late Show 2:30 | Times subject to change
Dancers, please arrive 30 minutes prior to showtime.
The show your child is performing in is listed below. Classes in Bold Pink are performing in both shows. Girls in both shows will have time for lunch between shows.
This is NOT the show order just the times of their matinee.
Early Show 10:00 (Arrive at 9:30) | Late Show 2:30 (Arrive at 2:00) |
- Price Subject to Change | Recital Theme Name (TBA)
>>Click here<< to learn more about how to purchase tickets through
Event Details
Saturday, June 18th 2022 (Tentative)
Note: No scheduled classes this day
Early Show 10:00 AM & Late Show 2:30 PM
Time is subject to change
Dancers are required to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to showtime.
Middletown High School (Auditorium)
No food of any kind is permitted backstage. Only water. Food is only allowed in the cafeteria only.